dinsdag 26 februari 2008

The Secret Life of Honeybees

Have you ever wondered how honeybees navigate their way and return to the hive after rambling flight in pursuit of food? You will be surprised when you find out some of the fascinating things that bee biologists, entomologists and botanists have found about the secret life of the bees and their world. These crucial part of wildlife communities appeared to be an automatic pilot; they measure distance traveled using the flow of images of the ground across their retinas. They are also able to orient themselves according to the sun’s angle in the sky to make their return journeys. This ability is because of their five spectacular eyes that are capable to capture light rays from a small angle of view. So whenever you see a honeybee don’t think that it got lost.
Negin Ebrahimi

2 opmerkingen:

Scico zei

The chosen blog is very interesting. The picture itself reflects what was written trying to emphasize of how bees had wandered and searched for food. The style is also good since the topic started by interrogation?

It would be better if you change it if you agree with me from NAVIGATE to find the way since the word navigate may be useful for travel by water or use some synonyms that would fit and easy to comprehend.

As per my assessment, it is very informative and good blog. By questioning the readers before explaining the content or information is an effective style to begin a TOPIC. I like it since I usually read some articles in this format.

Erwin Jamilo Galon

Scico zei

Direct question to the reader: good strategy to arouse curiosity. Perhaps the second sentence is a bit too much of the same.

Good cohesion thanks to the use of 'this/these' and flow is ok thanks to using 'bees' as the subject of most sentences (='whose story?')

Some minor errors (correction in between %xxx%)

These crucial part %parts% of wildlife communities...

This ability is because % better style: Bees owe this ability to% of their five spectacular eyes that are capable to capture light rays from a small angle of view.

Good conclusion ('so') + focus on the reader: good job!
